IG rejects peer pressure to marry second wife, shift to Karen


Police boss Japheth Koome’s soft side came to light recently when he said some of his peers were pushing him to get a second wife.

Further, the IG caused laughter when he jokingly said some people told him to move to the leafy suburbs of Karen where the wealthy live.

He said: “Waliniambia kwa sababu sasa niko in charge ya pesa ya polisi, nioe bibi mdogo, halafu niende Karen because bibi yangu ni mzee kidogo. (They told me now that I am in charge of police funds, I should marry a younger wife and move to Karen because my current wife is a bit old).

The IG said he has no plans to marry another wife or shift to Karen. “ I am happy with his current living arrangements,” Koome said.

“I enjoy my sleep where I am staying, and it has been like this for the last 52 years,” said Koome who was addressing officers on the dangers of excessive drinking, even as he reminded them of the need to live within their means.

“Kuna wengine wamepata mshahara miezi mbili tatu after kuajiriwa wakitoka Kiganjo Training College halafu saa hii wanachukua loan kununua Subaru kwa sababu ya peer pressure, ati wananiwekea indicator nisonge na Pick Up yangu wapite. Achaneni na peer pressure tufanye kazi. (Some have hardly been in employment after college but because of pressure, they have taken loans to buy cars, which they use to intidimate me on the road when I am driving my pick up. Stop this pressure and concentrate on work).”

He said he was surprised that some officers who recently graduated from police college were driving.

“I can’t compete with Catherine Ndereba who has been running and making money for many years. She has millions,” said Koome, admitting the many financial challenges he faces.


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